the Great Jacobs Easter Egg Hunt 2024

These cool kids came back to Utah to host a late Easter Egg hunt. (I’ve explained more about this insanely fun game that we play back in this post.)

But let’s start from that morning. Because it was a busy day.

Arrow kicked off with the first soccer game of the season bright and early.

With Oma, Opa, and Uncle P in attendance.

As soon as the score was called, Arrow and I scooted off the field to dash to a baptism.

I totally forgot to get a pic with the girl of honor, but here’s with her mama who is one of my top favorite people in this world.

Love you, Natalie!

Meanwhile, Archer was taking his turn on the field!

Looks like Opa got out there to do some coaching as well. Or maybe he was referring? Not sure.

Arrow and I came back right at the last part of Sander’s game:

Then my in-laws had to skedaddle out to get the Easter Egg hunt party set up. The rest of us came back to the house for a short quiet time before hauling out again.

We drove up north where Taylor’s brother lives. They live pretty far from us, so it was a treat to see them again!

Then the games began.

The littlest ones found their special eggs 🙂

And then the big ones went dashing off for coin eggs.

The auction…

After our auction, Opa presented the winners of our Jacobs family March Madness bracket…

Yep. These three little goobers chose their winning brackets based on quite literally no knowledge of the game and won themselves some ice cream sundaes!

Then Opa also gave a PowerPoint presentation/collage of the last year. With some random quizzing in between 🙂

It was so fun to see everyone’s pictures. The entire thing must’ve taken a lot of work, so thank you for that Mike!

Some other photos from the night… (thanks for grabbing these Sherry!)

Living apart from family is always hard, but it makes our gatherings so much sweeter. So grateful for this good family!

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